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Lambo or a Lamborghini (Italian sports car) is what people often buy, when they become rich... it basically became the synonym for luxury. The excitement from easy and extremely quick gains from cryptocurrency trading or HODLing made many people want to buy one of these cars.

It basically became a slang word for quick growth in crypto prices or getting rich from it... so when someone says LAMBO, it means a quick growth, sudden spike in prices, becoming wealthy from crypto trading or getting excited about the rising prices again.

Want to know when the next bull run will begin? Ask this in crypto communities : "When LAMBO?" :)

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Crypto Glossary
This means to sell a large amount (or all) coins of a single or multiple cu…
Trading Bot
Automated software application that is capable of trading (buy/sell) crypto…
A set/store of records that can only be added to, you cannot change what ha…
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