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One of the most important things about crypto, if not the most important, is the decentralization aspect. In the traditional financial world, everything is controlled by a central entity, there is a central database, central system etc ...

Crypto is different since it's using the blockchain, that is distributed over hundreds or thousands of locations, all carrying a copy of the same database (for example). There is no central place, where you could make changes to the blockchain, no new entry is possible without a consensus reached by the parties involved.

To put it in a simple way, decentralized means being distributed across multiple locations that work together in order to reach certain goal.

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Crypto Glossary
Gas Limit
Gas limit means the maximum amount of gas that you are willing to spend on…
One of the most important things about crypto, if not the most important, i…
It's a form of marketing, with the goal of creating false buzz that is supp…
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